Read 1 John 1:5-2:2 in your personal Bible or at the link provided.
1. How does 1 John describe God?
2. What cleanses us from sin?
3. What happens when we confess our sins?
Scripture is God’s true Word, the offensive weapon against Satan’s lies and accusations. 1 John 1:9 says that when believers confess their sins, God is both faithful and just to forgive. He is faithful to forgive, meaning He has promised forgiveness and will always keep His word. He is also just to forgive, meaning that Jesus has paid the full penalty for sins, changing believers’ statuses forever from guilty to innocent.
Though God never promised an easy life through Christ, He does promise that Christ will continually advocate for us. When Satan tries to accuse us, Jesus offers the truth that His death and resurrection have saved us. Satan can’t win against Him!
No matter what lie Satan wants you to believe, Jesus advocates for you. He wants to forgive you – He died for you because He loves you. He isn’t disappointed in you for believing lies, angry at you for sinning again, or tired of you asking for help. When you are weary from the battle, Jesus empathizes with you. It’s with His strength that you can fight back against the enemy. Jesus wants to fight for you.
How easy or difficult is it for you to confess sin to God and others? What emotions and thoughts come up when you read about confession? Do they align with the truth of God’s Word? What have you learned about God through this week’s Bible reading, and who can you share it with? Spend some time in prayer thanking God for what He’s revealed to you about His character, and listen for what He might be prompting you to do in response.