Our leadership and staff are driven by one thing, and that is our mission to remove unnecessary barriers that keep people from Jesus. It’s the reason behind everything we do. 

We work hard to remove the “isms”—namely, legalism, racism, moralism, judgmentalism and traditionalism—barriers that keep people from knowing, trusting and following Jesus—and to create a safe place where all are invited, welcomed and loved. 

Our message as a church and staff is hope. We are far from perfect, but a world that is shrouded in darkness, we want to stand as a beacon of light pointing people to the hope that can only be found in Jesus. 

Executive Team

  • Aaron Brockett, lead pastor
  • Greg Anderson, executive pastor
  • Rachel Collins, executive assistant
  • Allie Bryant, strategic alignment executive
  • Aaron Hoover, ministries pastor
  • Josh Lippert, chief financial officer
  • Landon Rose, creative team executive

Campus Pastors

  • Ryan Bramlett, teaching pastor and plainfield campus pastor
  • Marshall Hawn, northwest campus pastor
  • Kyle Riley, downtown campus pastor
  • Alex Diaz, midtown campus pastor
  • Bart Shaw, carmel campus pastor
  • Chad Lunsford, fishers campus pastor


  • Rod Duncan, chairman of the elder team
  • Aaron Brockett, lead pastor
  • Jay Dziwlik, elder
  • Doug Felton, elder
  • Gene Harker, elder
  • Jon Huskins, elder
  • David Morgan, elder
  • John Shubat, elder
  • Earl Thompson, elder
  • Howard Brammer, pastor emeritus