Even under the best circumstances, marriage in a blended family is challenging. The current divorce rate for first marriages in our country is almost 50%, while the divorce rate for remarriage is even higher. Blended families face unique challenges in parenting, past-hurt, and family dynamics.
IndyBlended, Inc. is a ministry that exists in our city to strengthen marriages and stepfamilies with the hope of ending the divorce cycle. IndyBlended, Inc. offers weekend retreats throughout the year. These intensive workshops come alongside remarried couples to help them understand the challenges their families face. Through presentations and group discussion, families learn bible based strategies to support their home life. Couples leave the workshop with a customized family action plan and resources for ongoing support. IndyBlended, Inc. seeks to provide hope, strength, purpose and peace. Check out their website linked below to learn more.
Blended Family WORKSHOp
Recommended books
- The Smart Stepfamily by Ron Deal
- Blended and Redeemed by Scott and Vanessa Martindale
- Building Love Together in Blended Families by Gary Chapman and Ron Deal
- Becoming a Stepfamily by Patricia Papernow